Fried Chicken
Product Preparation
Product Preparation

Company Values
An enterprise must develop and nurture a value system that articulates the first principles that it lives by.
CHICK-N-JOY will conduct itself in a manner, which will reflect its core values every day, and in everything it does. The most important thing management can do each day is communicate its values to others, especially new employees.
CHICK-N-JOY’s values include being dedicated and disciplined about:
*Our devotion to our customers.
All our efforts must be focused on the customer, their experience, and their perception of who we are. We understand that everything we do must enhance the value of the products, services, and experience we provide to our customers. The only individual qualified to judge whether we meet this standard is the customer.
*Producing the best tasting core products.
We maintain excellence in product quality in our core food group; Chicken, and all our side items. This superiority will be achieved through the use of the best available raw materials. We will emphasize fresh foods produced with care, consistency and uniqueness.
*Offering our core products at the competitive price in the marketplace.
We will strive to price our core products to be the most competitive in the marketplace.
*Empowering and developing our employees.
There is no more precious commodity than the relationship of trust and confidence a company has with its employees.
*Extending ourselves into our local community.
CHICK-N-JOY will establish strong links to our community. This will involve both charitable involvement as well as selling directly to community groups and organizations. Our involvement must be ongoing and genuine.
*Taking extraordinary measures to exceed customer demands.
Our people directly affect the quality of the products or services our customers receive. They will ultimately determine the success of our business. We will instill in our employees the obligation and authority to take extraordinary measures to exceed customer demands and enhance their experience with us. We will set high expectations of our employees and provide them with tools to meet these expectations. They will be involved in striving for our common goals and will be kept informed about the company's performance.